About Us - NonUKGambling.com

In this section of my website I am going to let you know what this site is all about and give you some ideas of the experience I have in each individual sector of the gambling industry.

Just keep in mind that whilst gambling can be a great deal of fun, some people at any time of their life can develop gambling related problems, Therefore I want you to keep that in mind and if you do set about gambling at any time in the future, then please do always gamble responsibly and when the fun stops, stop.

The Core Gambling Values and Strategies

One thing I really urge you to have in place, long before you take part in any form of gambling activity is a strategy. Below are some things you should carefully consider and stick to them.

  • Set a Bankroll
  • Stay Within Your Limits
  • Set a Loss Limit
  • Have a Reasonable Winning Goal
  • Only Gamble at Licensed Sites
  • When the Fun Stops – Stop

Those are what I call my core gambling values and strategies, if you follow them you should have an enjoyable gambling experience, no matter where it is you are gambling.

My Gambling Experience

As a 60 year old who has been gambling for many decades if there is one thing I do have experience of it is placing bets and wagers on all manner of different sporting events whilst also playing every possible type of game of chance too.

Below I will list the range of different gambling activities that I have taken part in over the years and then give you some sound practical advice on each of them separately.

  • Poker

    PokerNever forget that poker is a game of skill, patience and mathematics, you need to have mastered the very fine art of playing poker if you are going to have any realistic chance of coming out a long term winner, no matter which variant or variants of poker you choose to play.

  • Bingo

    BingoThe best piece of advice I can pass onto you is to try and play at the quieter and less busier times of day when playing bingo, for the fewer players there are will see your chances of winning being increased.

  • Casino Games

    Casino GamesThe key to increasing your chances of winning when playing casino games is to play those games which not only have the highest payout percentages and the lowest house edges, but to also stick to playing games such as Blackjack and Video Poker that have an element of skill about them.

  • Sports Betting

    Sports BettingWhen it comes to sports betting it really does pay dividends to open accounts at many different betting sites. The reason for me saying that is you will then be able to very quickly compare the odds each betting site is offering to ensure you secure the highest possible odds on whatever it is you are about to bet one.

Online and Mobile Payment Methods

One area I do want to cover is regarding payment options, for there is no getting away from the fact that if you do wish to gamble either online or via a mobile device then you are going to have to find some form of payment option to make both a deposit and if you win a withdrawal from a gambling site or app.

Below I will give you an insight into some of the many different payment options available to you and will then give you an overview of each of them, hopefully to allow you to select one that suits you perfectly.

I would also suggest you pay careful attention to the payout times when signing up to any gambling related site, and always choose to cash out and withdrawal option that ensure you are always going to be paid out your winnings both in full but in a very timely fashion too.

  • Debit Cards

    Debit CardsA debit card linked up to your bank account is going to allow you to make cost effective deposits and get paid out your winnings back directly to your bank account too.

  • Web and E-Wallets

    Web and E-WalletsOne of the fastest ways to get paid out of any gambling site is by opting to get paid out by a web wallet, such as PayPal, Neteller and Skrill.

  • Cryptocurrencies

    CryptocurrenciesThe main problem you have when you buy cryptocurrencies with your bankroll is that the fees and charges for doing so can be huge and you could also see the value of your winning payouts  shrink in value too if the value of the cryptocurrency you use drops in value.

  • Prepaid Vouchers

    Prepaid VouchersOne great way of managing your bankroll and not running the risk of emptying your bank balance when gambling is by simply buying prepaid vouchers from a local store, plus there are no fees or charge associated with using them either but they can only be used as a deposit option by the way.

  • Bank Transfers

    Bank TransfersYou can of course use a bank transfer, however keep in mind that many banks often base ,ending decisions on how people tend to use their bank account, so some banks may refuse you a loan or take a negative view on lending you money if you have a lot of gambling site deposits and/or withdraws coming into and out of your account.

You may of course find a range of different payment options and methods being made available to you at different gambling related sites, however always keep in mind that fees and charges are always going to eat aware at the value of your deposits and withdrawals too.

Therefore, it is vital that you only select a payment option that is going to allow you to fund and gambling site and make a withdrawal in a cost-effective way.

Be Safe and Be Lucky

Please do now take a good look around this website, and I do hope you enjoy your visit, and remember to always keep yourself safe when gambling and I do wish you all the luck in the world when you next have a gamble.


<strong>Non UK Gambling</strong>
FOA: Steve Anthorton
Unit 91, Oakland House 76 Talbot Rd Old Trafford
London, Stretford Manchester, M16 0PQ


About the Author

Steve Anthorton - Author

Hi, my name is Steve Anthorton, I like to think of myself as a rather young looking 60-year-old! I have had a very keen interest in gambling for many years now and I will be sharing my experiences with you on my website.

I am based over here in the UK and have put together this website which I hope...