Terms and Conditions - NonUKGambling.com

Please read through the following terms and conditions that are in place on my website, by using it you agree to be bound by each of them.

Data Protection

It goes without saying your privacy is important to me and as such I have in place systems here to protect any personal information you may at some point in time supply me with.

I do also have a stand-alone Privacy Policy that I would like to draw your attention to and suggest you read it.

User Generated Content

I may offer you the chance and ability of leaving comments and/feedback on this website in regards to any topics I have written about, when doing so any user generated content is covered by the following section of my terms and conditions.

You must as a user of this website acknowledge that all reports of peoples experiences and opinions including any advice or announcement that is a user generated piece of content is the sole responsibility of the person writing it and I cannot be held responsible for any of that content.

By submitting any user generated content, you also give me permission to use that content in any way on this website too.

Participant Conduct

You must not enter any content onto this website that is immoral, illegal, pornographic or in any way shape or form offensive.

If you breach any of the terms and conditions on this website, then your user account can be terminated. Be aware than any user content submitted to this website is not necessarily the option of myself.

Proprietary Rights

Apart from any user generated content found on this website, I own the copyright to, which include all of the written content and any logos and images, other than any promotional images supplied by a third party.

At no point in time are you permitted to reuse any of the content, logos or images without first gaining my full permission to do so, be aware that if you wish to make contact with me at any time you can do just that by following the contact links available throughout this website.

Eligibility to Use our Service

Under no circumstances can you use the website if you are not of legal age to do so to if you are a person barred from using this website.

Be aware that it is your responsibility to ensure you are the legal age to gamble should you wish to make use of any of the third-party websites showcased throughout this website.


If you do have any form or type of gambling problem, then there are many website blocking tools that you can make sue of that will allow this website to be blocked.

Links to Other Websites

You will find third party links to other websites within this website which may be text links, banner links or images links. Those websites offering any type of service or information are not owned or operated by myself and as such will have their own terms and conditions and their own privacy policies too.

I cannot be held responsible for any content or service offered on those third-party websites.

Last updated: May 20, 2020

About the Author

Steve Anthorton - Author

Hi, my name is Steve Anthorton, I like to think of myself as a rather young looking 60-year-old! I have had a very keen interest in gambling for many years now and I will be sharing my experiences with you on my website.

I am based over here in the UK and have put together this website which I hope...