UK Banks Offering an In-App Gambling Site Debit Card Blocking Service January 23, 2023 Steve Anthorton

UK Banks Offering an In-App Gambling Site Debit Card Blocking Service - Non UK Gambling Sites

In-App Gambling Transaction blockingWith most people now experiencing all manner of problems with the cost of living crisis, those who are also suffering from a  gambling problem, times have never been harder.

UK banks are of course offering people in financial difficulties a range of different tools to help them manage their funds better, however they are also allowing anybody with a gambling related problem the option to block gambling site transactions via their banking apps.

As such if you have found yourself making deposit after deposit, and draining your bank account of funds, then you can now take instant action to stop that happening again, simply by making use of that feature.

There are no questions to be answered when you make use of that facility, you simply need to log into your banking app and take on the block gambling site transaction button, and once you do you will no longer be able to make deposits into any UK licensed gambling site.

So if you have been in a situation whereby you have drained your bank account by gambling online or via any type of gambling site app you really should make use of  that feature, so please do make sure you do as you just never know when you could be tempted to gamble online again, and with it activated you will at the vey least not be able to use your debit card to fund your gambling activities.

How Gambling Sites Circumvent Debit Card Blocking

When you do make a deposit into a gambling site, the processor of that transaction is obliged to label it as such, and that is how banks are able to block such transaction when you make use of their blocking service.

However, for quite some time now offshore gambling sites have discovered a workaround that ensures no matter what, such deposits do get processed, even if someone has chosen to block gambling site transactions.

They do that simply by labelling the transaction as a non-gambling one, and as such the deposits do get approved by banks, in fact many overseas located gambling site operators have also done the same with not only debit card transactions but credit card transactions too.

As you may be aware when you attempt to use a credit card at any UK licensed gambling site, they are required by law to refuse such transactions, but by labelling them as a non-gambling transaction gaming site operators can process all deposits to their gambling site.

Just be aware that you will notice all manner of weird and wonderful names of businesses if you do gamble at such a site and use your debit or credit card to deposit real money funds into your account, such as an online retailer or even a subscription service.

Banks and credit card issuers do of course take a very negative view of any merchants who do that and often close them down when their wrongdoing is discovered.

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Make Use of the Take a Break Option

One very handy feature that have saved many a problem gambler from spending way too much money at a gambling site is the Take a Break option that most gambling sites now offer their customers via their responsible gambling tools.

That setting will allow you to instantly block your own access to your gambling site accounts for a time period chosen by yourself. You simply select the amount of time that you want to be locked out of your account and then activate the setting, and you will then be locked out of your account straight away.

At no time will you be allowed to log into your account until the time period chosen by you has expired, so if you have been experiencing gambling problems and spending more money than you had planned to do then make sue of those Take a Break option settings at every single gambling site you have an account with.

By aware that if you have funds in your account, then make sure you withdraw them before you activate the Take a Break option as that way your funds will be transferred back to you before you are denied access to your account.

Most gambling sites will also stop sending you out any type of marketing emails whilst you have that option in place, and therefore it is a good and handy tool to help you step back and stop gambling of any amount of time.

Deposit Limits

One final thing to be aware of if you feel that you need a little help and support to limit just how much you gamble online is the deposit limit option settings that gambling site operators offer their customers.

You will not have to jump through any hoops to get a deposit limit in place on your real money accounts, for it takes less thana minute, and as you would expect, you are allowed to self any amount that you want to have as your maximum deposit limit and can choose to have that limit in place per day, week, or month too.

Some people thought hen to select a ridiculously high deposit limit, and as such could quite easily spend a fortune gambling online and drain their bank accounts, and as such when or if you do decide to make use of that facility choose a sensible and just as importantly an affordable deposit limit.

Once that limit is in place, if you want to raise the deposit limit value you will have to wait for at least 24 hours or even longer in some cases, before it will be put into place.

However, if you do have a gambling problem and wish to give up gambling completely then all gambling sites are going to let you self-exclude yourself and by doing so your account will be closed and you will not be allowed to gamble at the sites that you have self-excluded yourself from again, so it is a good tool to help you stop gambling online.

About the Author

Steve Anthorton - Author

Hi, my name is Steve Anthorton, I like to think of myself as a rather young looking 60-year-old! I have had a very keen interest in gambling for many years now and I will be sharing my experiences with you on my website.

I am based over here in the UK and have put together this website which I hope...

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